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Congress Rams Through Sneak Attack on Organic Standards Despite Massive Opposition
Over the past few weeks, Organic Consumers Association network members have deluged the U.S. Congress with over 200,000 emails and over 20,000 telephone calls. This nearly unprecedented grassroots upsurge has temporarily rattled Congress and the industry, delaying the initial Sneak Attack in the Senate on organic standards, resulting in a compromise amendment calling for “further study of the issue.”
Keep abreast of the situation and sign a petition here...
Organic Consumers Association
The Agriculture Department is applying its strict organic food standards to personal care products too. After years of wavering, the agency's National Organic Program declared that cosmetics can also be labeled with the familiar round, two-tone "U.S.D.A. Organic" seal.
Mad Cow disease has been in the news since December 23, 2003.
See our News page, the Articles page, and the Activism page for information and commentary. We also have a Mad Cow News Center.
Future Books
Robyn Landis is developing several book ideas (she's taking her time, but there ARE projects in the works). These include one depicting outstanding elders who defy society's notions about aging, one about America's cultural food issues; a BodyFueling® sequel; an inspiring collection of real-life natural-healing success stories, one about environmental living; and one about holistic voice work.
Also, Robyn is beginning a groundbreaking personal shopping service in the fall of 2005, called The Eco-Shopper, to help people shop more sustainably. After years of helping people informally to change their consumption and shopping habits, Robyn is becoming a consultant to individuals and businesses in this area. Stay tuned for more! |
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Recently I started buying from what I consider to be the crown jewel of natural skin care sites: All Natural Cosmetics, a purveyor of THE purest collection of skin care (and haircare and household products and more) I have found yet. While I accept and have used a host of natural brands that are, say, 85-99% pure--with only one or two chemical ingredients added last (such as preservative)--I am mightily impressed with all the products at All Natural Cosmetics: there is nary a single tiny chemical in ANY of them. Not one! Even better, they also happen to be (or is it coincidence?) the most effective, luxurious, and pleasant I've used. Every item I've tried (the samples are generous and fun; for $1.75 you can sample almost anything in a travel-sized container) has delighted me with the feel and the results. Treat yourself to a few samples and see what I mean! Ful-sized items are not cheap, but no more expensive than many high-end natural brands, and LOTS cheaper than department store and outrageously-priced "Bliss Catalog" type boutique items (which can run literally $100-$400 for a one-ounce jar of cheap chemicals). But the All Natural brands are worth every penny of the $20-$40 you'll pay per full-sized item, because the ingredients really are organic and premium-grade. Skin is your largest organ and there is no reason or need to absorb unregulated carcinogens through it when there are delicious, effective, fragrant, super-pure alternatives like these! To read more about why you should be choosing truly all-natural hair and skin care products, instead of common drugstore (or salon) brands full of chemicals, petroleum derivatives, cheap harsh detergents, synthetic waxes and fragrance, and artificial colors, see articles on natural skin care. ALSO TRY AUBREY ORGANICS, John Masters Organics and Zuzu cosmetics plus other great brands at veganessentials.com. See my eco-shopping list for more!
Want the best vegan and organic cookies and brownies? Go to Allison's Gourmet! Awesome gift. You won't regret it!
Robyn's favorite organically grown coffee is Cafe Mam. Try it! Buy organic/SHADE GROWN! WHY? See our Coffee Page and www.songbird.org
See the BF.com ACTIVISM page for actions, inspiration and more links to making a positive impact!
Before choosing ingredients for dinner, watch this short flash movie:
Hilarious yet pointedly true online movie by Farm Sanctuary:
Want to know more about the chicken or the egg? See this link (Warning: Graphic)
Action for Animals is a Seattle-based animal rights org. They have good activism tips on their site. Check it out at www.afa-online.org
Save our Organic Standards!
Organic Consumers Association is working to preserve organic standards. Find out how you can help.
Also see the Organic Trade Association. OTA encourages global sustainability through the growth of diverse organic trade.
In the U.S., 90,000 cows and calves are slaughtered every hour and 14,000 chickens a minute are slaughtered. TEN BILLION animals a year die for food. Half a million male baby chicks a DAY are suffocated or ground up alive because they're useless to the chicken industry. Half the world's rainforest (accounting for much of the global oxygen supply) is gone forever--for hamburger--and every *second* another area the size of a football field is lost. The 1600 dairies just in California's Central Valley produce more waste than the entire human population of Texas. These are a few random facts among thousands of astonishing and grisly statistics.
Learn more by visiting the Articles page and the Links page. Also see Featured Books for the best sources of information.