Who Is the Mad Animal? The news revealed on December 23, 2003 that Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) had finally entered the U.S meat supply. (It was only a matter of time; U.S. testing defies and falls far below international standards and recommendations.) Since then, Robyn Landis has been astounded at the almost exclusive focus by news sources on meat industry/sales health. She wrote this opinion-editorial commenting on the sales-oriented focus of mad cow coverage since December 23, challenging the astonishing lack of other inquiry about meat production and food safety. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer picked it up. You can also read it within this site, where it will remain permanently. (Also see the articles recently posted about BSE and U.S. procedures.) Frankenbucks and Organic Coffee - Organic coffee is important because more pesticide is used on coffee than any other crop in the world. Conventional coffee is also destructive to birds, rainforests, and farmers. Starbucks doesn't help--find out why. See this page for more info about why organic, shade-grown, fair-trade coffee is vital--and some facts about the ever-popular Northwest coffee shop. After reading the facts, you may want to write a letter--click here to see the letter Robyn Landis sent. Swift Victory for Co-op America's Coffee Campaign - Thanks to pressure from thousands of Co-op America members and other costomers, the giant retailer Procter & Gamble, the country's largest coffee company, agreed in September to purchase two to three million pound of Fair Trade Certified coffee for its Millstone line within the next two years. "This Victory Demonstrates just how powerful united consumer voices can be," says Erin Gorman, director of Co-op America's Fair Trade Coffee campaign. "This important first step by Procter & Gamble will translate into thousands of dollars of additional income for farmers hit hard by the recent coffee crisis." Co-op America launched its fair trade consumer campaign in September of 2002, calling on members to make their economic priorities known to coffee producers, supermarkets, and coffee shops. For more information on how to take part in our campaign, visit Co-op America's Web site, www.fairtradeaction.org Letter to the Legislature - This is a letter to the legislature about their efforts to water down organic standards. Please help out and send your own! Letter to Boca - This is a letter from author Robyn Landis to Boca, a division of Kraft, regarding the use of genetically modified ingredients in their Boca line of products. Please help out and send your own! Letter
to Kraft - There is a movement to convince Kraft foods to stop
using genetically engineered ingredients in ALL their products, since
they are one of the top offenders. Call or write Kraft today! Betsy Holden,
CEO Kraft Foods Three Lakes Drive, Northfield, IL 60093 1-847-646-2000.
For more inspiration to act
on this issue, also see this little flash movie that summarizes Kraft's
global experiment on unwitting human guinea pigs by using GE/GM ingredients
in all its foods. http://www.krafty.org/flash/ Shopping is Activism! To buy with a conscience and vote with your dollars for a cleaner and healthier world, see the Eco-Shopping page. Want
to write to your Congresspeople? Use
this easy, brilliant gateway to locate and send a message to ALL the congresspeople
who represent you, automatically, all at once! |
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