for Life
Neal Barnard, M.D.
Barnard is one of my favorite people--a common-sense, no-nonsense
health author, leading-edge physician and researcher, and president
of one of my favorite organizations, Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). His health books
eschew fad thinking in favor of simple, solid wisdom that works.
His writing and work with PCRM ranges from fighting misleading food
advertising, exposing special interests in unhealthy products, and
educating the public on the truth about animal testing. He writes
a terrific food column for PETA's
magazine too. I also recommend his Eat
Right, Live Longer.
Healing Words
by Larry Dossey, M.D.
Larry Dossey
is to my mind the reassuring and uplifting epitome of what every scientist
and doctor should be. He's reasonable and open-minded; he questions
things, he respects intuition as well as hard science; he knows we
don't already know everything. His book Healing
Words, while not about either nutrition or natural remedies
per se, is about healing. And it offers beautifully written yet matter-of-fact
insight into the research world, the approach traditional science
has taken to the concept of "healing," and the undeniable
and demonstrable power of our own thoughts. >>
Natural Capitalism
by Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins,
et al
In Natural
Capitalism, Paul Hawken and Amory and Hunter Lovins show how
leading-edge companies are practicing "a new type of industrialism"
that is more efficient and profitable while saving the environment
and creating jobs. They write that in the next century, cars will
get 200 miles per gallon without compromising safety and power,
manufacturers will relentlessly recycle their products, and the
world's standard of living will jump without further damaging natural
resources. They call their approach natural capitalism because it's
based on the principle that business can be good for the environment.
The Lovinses cofounded and directed the Rocky Mountain Institute,
an environmental think tank that promotes efficient resource use,
and Amory has been called the "godfather" of alternative
energy. The three have joined forces here to set a blueprint for
sustainable development.
Fire in the Soul
by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
Borysenko is an author I deeply admire as well as enjoy. She is
one of those rare pioneers who has successfully blended science
and spirit. She maintains the deep respect of both communities as
she builds bridges between them. Her open, warm, personable way
of writing makes you feel you know her, are perhaps even sitting
in her living room witnessing or sharing the events she writes about.
This is my favorite book of hers, though I recommend them all.
Wherever You Go, There You
by Jon Kabat-Zinn Ph.D.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
has written the best book on meditation I've ever read. The book itself
is a calming, uplifting, meditative experience. The very short chapters
make it easy to approach. Founder and director of the Stress Reduction
Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Kabat-Zinn
infuses this bestseller with warmth, humor, humility, and gentle wisdom.
His others are also well worth checking out.
So, Now What Do I Eat? :
The Complete Guide to Vegetarian Convenience Foods
by Gail Davis, Neal Barnard M.D.
author writes:Eating right should be a joyous pleasure, not a burden...
especially when you don't have time to cook. That's why I want you
to be healthy and happy as you delight your tastebuds with the myriad
of flavorful and exciting foods that you'll discover in SO, NOW
WHAT DO I EAT? It's easy to eat a nutritious, environmentally friendly,
and compassionate diet with so many delicious, all vegetarian, cholesterol-free
foods to choose from.
Cancer Therapy : The Independent
Consumer's Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment and Prevention
by Ralph W. Moss
thorough guide is a must-read for cancer patients and their families
seeking treatment options. Ralph Moss was a public relations employee
of the FDA until he was fired for revealing important cancer prevention
and treatment information that was being concealed from the public.
His courage, integrity, and insider's perspective are striking.
Mad Cowboy : Plain Truth from
the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat
by Howard F. Lyman
FEATURED BOOK! See here for more.
Persuasive, straightforward,
and full of the down-home good humor and optimism of a son of the
soil, Mad Cowboy is both an inspirational story of personal
transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based
diet -- for the good of the planet and the health of us all.
How to Raise A Healthy Child
in Spite of Your Doctor
by Robert Mendelsohn, M.D
Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and author, advises parents
on home treatment and diagnosis of colds and flus, childhood illnesses,
vision and hearing problems, allergies, and more. PLUS, a complete
section on picking the right doctor for your child, step-by-step
instructions for knowing when to call a doctor, and much more.

REAL AGE: Are You As Young As You
Can Be?
by Michael F. Roizen, M.D.
strongly support authors who seek to educate people about the power
they have, through personal choices, to age far better than the
typical image of the elderly would suggest. I think this popular
new book is one of the most solid, thorough and convincing. Dr.
Michael Roizen, a preventive gerontologist at the University of
Chicago who appears perennially in the "1,000 Best Doctors
in the U.S." listings, says that you can reduce your biological
age by up to 20 years, listing 100 health-related factors and how
to work with them to make your biological age what counts.
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
by Michael T. Murray, Joseph E.
This completely
revised and expanded second edition of a classic reference arms you
with the latest information on the extraordinary healing powers of
natural medicine. Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, two of the most
trusted naturopathic doctors in the world, have teamed up to bring
you cutting-edge natural remedies for the most common ailments. |
White Men
by Michael
While the book certainly
spans far more than food and the environment, Moore does touch on
these--and fairly boldly addresses some issues of personal responsibility,
even when he honestly admits that he's not doing all the right things
himself; he's clear about that and about what would make the difference.
His scathing exposure of nonsensical, selfish, inconsistent and
destructive politics and politicians underscores a host of travesties
that absolutely influence the environment, health, and many other
issues of concern to us all. It's enlightening and punchy. I like
and support people who expose crucial truth and lies, and Moore's
a dogged and unstoppable hero in that regard.
It Now!
For Columbine
by Michael Moore
This searingly pointed,
deeply moving and courageous documentary is about far more than
gun control. It's about the culture of fear perpetuated by American
government and "authority" that manipulates people into
writing our "leadership" a blank check to do anything
they want. This movie drives this point home so cuttingly, so brilliantly,
and with such surprising humility on Moore's part that it is breathtaking.
Concepts such as media's power; the alienation that people (especially
children) feel because of the lack of connection between national
policies/actions, adult behavior, priorities, and our daily lives;
how greed determines courses of action that are unproductive and
destructive; and how fear creates dangerous apathy--all apply to
*everything*, and are wise cautionary messages.
It Now!
FEATURED BOOK! See here for more.

Small Wonder Essays
by Barbara Kingsolver readers
familiar with Barbara Kingsolver
will find that Small Wonder, a collection of 23 essays, shows
the same sensitivity and thoughtfulness, the same rich knowledge of
and love for the natural world, as her spellbinding novels. In "Knowing
Our Place," she describes the two places in which she writes:
a tin-roof cabin in Appalachia and her home in the Tucson desert.
In "Setting Free the Crabs," she uses her daughter's decision
not to take home a beautiful (and occupied) red conch shell from a
Mexican beach to illustrate our own need to give up our sense of ownership
of the earth, to resist "the hunger to possess all things bright
and beautiful." Many of these pieces, like the lovely title essay,
were written (or rewritten) in response to the events of September
11, which threw into relief the growing social and economic inequities
that are so little remarked on in the American media. These are political
essays, although Kingsolver is not a natural rhetorician; her prose
is too supple and inclusive. She is more inclined to follow the turns
of her mind, like water in a curving stream bed, than to hammer home
a point or two. But she has a rare gift for apt allusion (from sources
as wide-ranging as Robert Frost to Beanie Babies) and for the elegant
use of facts and figures. And she is highly quotable. It is easy to
imagine the speechwriters and activists of the next 10 years dipping
into Small Wonder for inspiration and the perfect phrase. --Regina
cookbooks can't be beat for their unique yet usually simple, healthy,
colorful, tasty vegetarian dishes. Many people ask me what cookbooks
*I* use, so I thought I'd give my favorites a plug. Until my own
cookbook is a reality (yes, someday!), and if my
website recipes aren't posted fast enough for you, I heartily
recommend Moosewood
Restaurant Cooks at Home. I probably use more of its recipes
on a regular basis than any other cookbook. This thick, attractive
softcover volume is jam-packed with delicious, interesting, lowfat
meals--each with an estimated prep time! Great general tips in the
back on ingredients and cooking guidelines for different foods (like
beans). Yum--enjoy!
"NEW! Also see Moosewood
Restaurant Celebrates : Festive Meals for Holidays and Special Occasions,
with beautiful vegetarian feasts just in time for 2003 holiday season.
See below for more.
My closest runner-up is The
Peaceful Palate --probably most like the cookbook I would create.
Simple, delicious fare! Try it!
Slaughterhouse: The
Shocking Story of Greed, Neglect,and Inhumane Treatment Inside the
U.S. Meat Industry
by Gail A. Eisnitz
A searingly
truthful book that is bound to horrify, anger and/or nauseate even
some hardcore meat-eaters into permanent vegetarianism and/or animal
activism. Even if you're already there, this book is a sobering and
choice-affirming read.

Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson
The seminal
1962 classic, still popular. Deeply chilling, stirring, provocative
and powerful appeal for understanding of the dire and undeniable outcome
of our unsustainable ways. A crystalline, beautifully written and
solidly founded portrait of an unthinkable yet very possible future.
says it takes "...offered the first shattering look at widespread
ecological degradation and touched off an environmental awareness
that still exists."
Spontaneous Healing
by Andrew Weil, M.D.
of its blockbuster status, this book is one the clearest and most
convincing intros to natural healing I've read--great for those
new to the subject. I recommend it to everyone. It's not
that I agree with every word Andrew Weil says. But philosophically,
I share his concerns about conventional paradigms in health care,
and his encouragement of people to be self-reliant where appropriate.
He's easy to understand, he's authoritative, reasonable, and amiable.
And his commitment to changing the course of medical education is
a relief to me.
Kitchen Table Wisdom
by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Naomi Remen is an idol and mentor for me: as a writer, a healer,
and my idea of a great physician. This book is irresistible. I've
been making everyone I know read it. I'm not the only one--click
on the book and read what other Amazon
customers wrote. This book manages to speak volumes about medicine
and healing as well as about life and love. I didn't manage to get
through a single story in it without weeping, and I've highlighted
roughly half of my copy. (Click here
if you want the hardcover instead of the paperback.)
Restaurant Celebrates : Festive Meals for Holidays and Special Occasions
From Publishers
Weekly - The Moosewood Collective and its Ithaca restaurant
celebrate 30 years of good vegetarian cuisine this year. With the
increased popularity in vegetarian cooking, Moosewood has grown
and developed its style in its roster of popular cookbooks. This
new volume covers festive occasions and holidays from weddings to
Father's Day, Halloween to Kwanza, which are challenging for everyone
and more so for the vegetarian cook or those with vegetarian guests.
Divided by season and then by celebration, this volume offers for
each occasion a menu with recipes and useful hints for timings and
presentation. The dishes have a modern, international feel. From
the Southwestern Dinner Party with its refreshing Avocado Citrus
Salad that brightens the Winter section, to the luscious Chocolate
Souffl Cake that would happily grace any dessert buffet, most
of the recipes are simple to produce. The ingredients are described
fully in a very helpful glossary, and the recipes carefully explained
and often finished with alternative variations. After three decades,
this book shows how vegetarian cuisine has come of age and can be
appropriate for any occasion.